
Posts Tagged ‘gallery’

Market Day at SLP

My school had a Market Day recently as our celebration for Children’s Day. All the kindergarten kids were given some fake U.S. money and let loose in the gym with shopping bags and unlimited popcorn. All the teachers had their own booth and the freedom to set their own prices. I was selling books, but because they were all donated by parents they were mostly in Korean. The food table has lots of junk food, but also potatoes, onions and cucumbers, which sold surprisingly well to 6-year-olds. Nathan found an interesting item in his toy box, and I did a pretty terrible job at face painting, but you can see this all for yourself below.
All photos by Andre Francisco

David selling school supplies David at the school supply table.

Nathan finds a strange toy
In the giant donated toy box, Nathan found a realistic pistol that cocked, had a working trigger and had a clip that looked like it held pellets. He didn’t sell it, but needless to say, this would be cause for immediate expulsion in any U.S. school.

Fun at the market

How adorable is that?

Andrew Three days later, he fell while running and got some pretty bad cuts on his face and four stitches on his lip. The bandages are still on, but I’m sure he will be fine.


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